Friday, 13 February 2015

Personal: Challenging Myself

Whilst writing my dissertation, I considered just knuckling down and focusing solely on writing and reading until it was completely done to allow myself to focus more, however I don't like restricting myself or denying myself of something! So I thought I'd go completely the other way and challenge myself!

I decided that, during the breaks from my dissertation work, I would draw something that would challenge my drawing style and skills. I thought this would be a good way to keep my mind active and keep me motivated whilst also having fun! Whereas writing can sometimes be stressful, I find drawing isn't. It can be tricky at times but I find solving the problems you face very satisfying and with a considerable lack of frustration!!

I decided to do a figure drawing in pencil. I struggle both with drawing people anyway and pencil is not usually my first media of choice. I thought the process of drawing would take my mind off the stress of writing and, maybe, give me some hope when I was feeling a bit defeated by word counts!

Here is the progress so far...

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Shop: Anti - Valentine's

I'm not a particularly soppy person and I'm pretty bitter for my age so, like many others, when Valentine's rolls around every year I tend to get filled more with bubbling rage then any of that romantic gushy crap. Therefore, I have dedicated a corner of my Etsy Shop  to people who maybe do want to say I love you, but without all the sentimental bull that comes along with it!
A few months back I drew up a selection of drawings of my favourite film heroines with quotes along side them... these seem to have works well for Valentine's cards, especially for people who are fans of these films!

The Rebecca & Enid Ghost World card I think could be suitable for good friend's that send eachother cards on Valentine's as an alternative!
I also had some cards left over from last year. One of them suggests that cake is more important than your loved one... to which I must strongly agree!

 Cupcake Valentine's Card
Front                                                             Inside

Eat Your Heart Out Valentine's Card