Whilst writing my dissertation, I considered just knuckling down and focusing solely on writing and reading until it was completely done to allow myself to focus more, however I don't like restricting myself or denying myself of something! So I thought I'd go completely the other way and challenge myself!
I decided that, during the breaks from my dissertation work, I would draw something that would challenge my drawing style and skills. I thought this would be a good way to keep my mind active and keep me motivated whilst also having fun! Whereas writing can sometimes be stressful, I find drawing isn't. It can be tricky at times but I find solving the problems you face very satisfying and with a considerable lack of frustration!!
I decided to do a figure drawing in pencil. I struggle both with drawing people anyway and pencil is not usually my first media of choice. I thought the process of drawing would take my mind off the stress of writing and, maybe, give me some hope when I was feeling a bit defeated by word counts!
Here is the progress so far...

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