I have done a couple more days in the leatherwear workshop over the past couple of weeks and have learnt a few more skills to do with leather making. Sarah is very lovely (and very busy!) so isn't in the workshop when I am there, so she leaves me a pile of things to do and a little note explaining what needs to be done! It's nice being able to discover the skills for yourself and create your own way of working. I have never worked with leather before so everything is brand new to me!
The past two days I have spent in the gallery workshop, I have been given a painting task to complete. Using Acrylic Dye suitable for leather, I have had to 'edge paint' cut out pieces of leather as a final detail. The paint also helps seal the edges.

The paint marks the leather (and your clothes!) permanently if you put it anywhere you don't want it. You have to act fast and wipe it off quickly if it ends up on any parts of the leather you don't want it on. It took a while to get use to but I'm much quicker at doing it now!
Another job I had been given was to apply poppers and studs to already cut glasses cases to create a final product. This was a bit terrifying at first as I'd only been given a brief demonstration on how to use the stud press however, after having a rummage and working out which attachments went where, I managed to start pressing studs!

Once I got into the swing of things I managed to get quite a lot done!

And voila! A handmade leather glasses case!

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