So, uni work has been handed in and we're all just sort of waiting around for the show to happen and our results to come back... so there's a whole lot of free time which, over the past few months, I haven't really been use to!
To combat this, I decided to buy myself a lino printing kit! Now, I haven't done any sort of printing for about 10 year, since I was at college, but I wanted to take myself out of my comfort zone and away from the sort of illustration I'd fixated on for so long during my final major project.
And I actually really enjoyed it!

I went for a simple flower design for a first try! But I think it actually looks quite sweet, would maybe make a nice pattern? I also tried printing on some brown paper to see what that might look like...

And then framed one to keep so I could look back on it if I ever improve!!!

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